Service and envy - two separate matters
Chaitanya Bhagavata, Adi-lila, Chapter 16, Verse 81 (words of Shrila Haridasa Thakura spoken to the Muslim king at the time of His arrest and accusation of abondoning the Islam religion):
ye ishvara, se punah sabara bhava laya
himsa karilei se tahana himsa haya
"The Supreme Lord accepts the devotion of everyone, but if anyone is envious of His children, then He retaliates."
Lord Janardana, who is bhava-grahi, or appreciative of one’s sentiments, is served by everyone according to their respective moods. If a person rejects or envies the mood of another, then such feelings are actually targeted towards the Supreme Lord. Therefore a living entity should never envy other living entities. If one tries to uproot and convert the internal mood of another person into that of his own narrow-mindedness, then the result will be not only criticism of another’s religion but enviousness of the Supreme Lord, who is the goal of all religion. Service and envy directed to the Supreme Lord are two separate matters. If one misidentifies envy as service to the Supreme Lord, then he will be opposed to the service of the Supreme Lord and ultimately become envious of the devotees. When a living entity becomes devoid of loving service to the Lord, he becomes sometimes a sense enjoyer, sometimes a fruitive worker, sometimes an impersonalist, sometimes a hatha-yogi, and sometimes a raja-yogi. To engage such persons in the service of Lord Mukunda for their eternal benefit is not an act or form of envy. Rather, inducing such persons to engage in activities of sense gratification instead of the service of the Lord is to give indulgence to envious activities and therefore must be given up.
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