Love depends on knowledge of the relationship
Shrila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaja:
“The day I realise that I belong to Sri Bhagavan and that all my relationships are with Sri Bhagavan, then my real self will become manifested, and spontaneously, all my actions will be for Sri Bhagavan and Sri Bhagavan alone. Identifying my interests with those of Sri Bhagavan, I will then surrender myself and all that belongs to that self to Sri Bhagavan. Only in that specific situation is love and devotion for Sri Bhagavan possible. The grace of the bonafide guru or preceptor will enable us to realise to whom we are actually related. Prior to this knowledge of relationship, it is not possible to have any idea of Sri Bhagavan. When we do not exert much effort to understand the nature of this relationship, our realisation is understandably delayed. After establishing this relationship, we can start our sadhana (abhidheya or spiritual practices) and begin to understand our real needs (prayojana). The scriptures of sanatana-dharma and all the wise sages have discussed three important points in great detail: (1) sambandha, the conditioned soul’s relationship with the Supreme Lord, (2) abhidheya, the regulated activities for reviving one’s relationship with the Supreme Lord, and (3) prayojana, the ultimate goal of life to be attained by the conditioned soul, i.e., Krishna- Prema, love of God.
“In spiritual life then, the first step is toward sambandha-gyana—knowledge of relationships.”
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