The ultimate medicine of Nityananda Gauranga Katha

The ultimate medicine for all the sorrows is the soothing nectar of Nityananda Gauranga Katha, the discussion and recitation of the Holy Names and Pastimes of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga.
The soul entangled in this material world is suffering from the three kinds of material miseries. It is mainly due to the forgetfulness of one's transcendental nature and one's eternal loving relationship with Lord Gauranga Krishna. This forgetfulness is immediately washed away by the most powerful and uplifting Nityananda Gauranga Katha, especially when it is heard from a realized devotee of Their Lordships.
The munificent power contained therein reflects the munificent nature of the Supremely Magnanimous Incarnations of Godhead Shri Sri Nityananda Gauranga. They overlook any of our shortcomings, impurities and disqualifications. They really feel for us. Their Holy Names, Forms and Pastimes are ever blissful, kevala aananda khanda. They are generously inviting us to partake of Their Divine Bliss. And it's so simple to do so, one just has to hear to Nityananda Gauranga Katha.
Out of the vast amount of Nityananda Gauranga Katha, left behind by the Intimate Associates of Their Lordships, such as Shrila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami, Shrila Lochana dasa Thakura, Shrila Murari Gupta, Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura etc., the description of the Pastimes of Nityananda Gauranga as compiled by Shrila Vrindavana dasa Thakura in His Shri Chaitanya Bhagavata is especially suitable for the conditioned souls to easily enter into the realm of Divine Bliss of the Holy Names and Pastimes of Nityananda Gauranga. This is my firm conviction.
Please read the Glories of Shri Chaitanya Bhagavata here.
Yours in service,
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