In the Name lies the power
In our preaching efforts we try to employ so many different kinds of words, thoughts, techniques.. That's alright, yet they all remain futile as long as the most powerful means, namely the Holy Names of Nityananda, Gauranga and Hare Krishna doesn't happen to appear at least once in our words or writings.
"My Guru Maharaja always see if Krishna's name or Lord Chaitanya's name appeared in someone's writing and would appreciate the writing for this alone." (SP Letter to: Dina Dayala, Nellore, 6 January, 1976)
The following story with Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada also illustrates this point: Two articles about bhakti were given to His Divine Grace for consideration. One of them was in favor on bhakti, the other one was opposed to bhakti. Yet, Shrila Saraswati Thakura told that the second one was better. Why? In the first one, although in favor of bhakti, the Holy Name of the Lord didn't appear a single time. On the other hand, the second article, although criticising the path of bhakti, was full of the Holy Names.
Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krishna!
Yours, SimplyNitaai
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