Govinda Ghosh
Today is the disappearance day of Shrila Govinda Ghosh here in Switzerland. It is very important to remember the glories transcendental qualities of the associates of Lords Nityananda Gauranga on such days, as They are very powerful and grant us the access into Nityananda Gauranga Naam and Lila. Shri Devakinandana dasa says also in His famous song:
brahmanda tarite shakti dhare jane jane
e veda purane guna gaya jeva shune
"I have heard their glorification (of Lord Gauranga's devotees) in the Vedas and Puranas, which proclaim that each one of His devotees has the shakti to deliver an entire universe."
The Ghosh brothers, namely Govinda, Madhava and Vasudava, were great singers and Lords Nityananda Gauranga would very much delight in dancing to the sweet and ecstatic kirtana of Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosh. Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.15.115: "Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu danced to the kirtan of the three brothers, Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva".
In Krishna-lila They are gopis: "Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva were three gopis in Vraja, namely Kalavati, Rasollasa and Gunatunga, who used to sing the songs composed by Vishakha." (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 188)
Shrila Govinda Ghosh also composed 2 very beautiful nectarean songs about Lord Gauranga and the situation of Navadvipa and the sorrowful condition of the bhaktas there when Mahaprabhu left Navadvipa. The same feelings of separation which the Vrajavasis felt when Krishna left Vrindavana is being felt by the Navadvipa-vasis when Their beloved Lord Gaurahari is leaving Them. Oh Lord, when i will be able to join Them in Their crying of not seeing Lord Gauranga's face and having His sweet association?
One of the songs, which i like very much goes as follows:
hede re nadiya vasi kara mukha cao
bahu pasariya goracande phirao
to sabare ke ara karibe nija kore
ke jaciya dibe prema dekhiya katare
ki shela hiyaya haya ki shel hiyaya
parana putali nabadvipa charii jaya
ara na jaiba mora gaurangera pasha
ara na kariba mora kirtana vilasa
kandaye bhakata-gana buka vidariya
pashana govinda ghosha na jaya miliya
"O people of Nabadwip, at whom are you staring? Spread your arms to stop Gora, make him come back! Who is there now who will clasp you to his chest? Who will come and beg you to take love of Krishna? A shaft has pierced my heart! A shaft has pierced my heart! The image of my life has abandoned Nabadwip and gone. No longer will we be able to go and sit with Gauranga; no longer will we be able to enjoy kirtan the way we did. All the devotees are crying; their hearts are bursting and, like a stone, Govinda Ghosh does not go to join them."
So beautiful, isn't it? i sang and recorded that song for You. i kindly ask You to sing with me and cry in Your heart for the association of Lord Gaurahari :)
Your fallen servant,
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